The Mystery in School Finances

eBook - Discovering Answers in Community-Based Budgeting

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781475809893
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 90 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2014
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


There are critical roles in the budget process for the Superintendent, Finance Officer, and internal and external stakeholders. The superintendent functions similar to a Chief Executive Officer; they are the main go-between for the board of directors and the district. Providing a vision for the school district as a whole is critical, as well as working to ensure community engagement provides a comprehensive 360-degree perspective which in turn drives the budget process to ensure it reflects the community served.School budgets, regardless of geography, follow state procedures for both development and final approval. These perfunctory tasks include putting a budget on display for viewing receipt of public comment and a vote. What this book seeks to provide are ideas for incorporating ongoing community discussion and dialogue on the budget process. This book additionally provides insight and information unto the budget process that drives all school decisions.


Matthew Malinowski holds an M.P.A from the University of Pittsburgh. He has over thirteen years experience in government to include finance-based consulting, procedural reforms, and strategic planning. Currently as Director of Business Affairs at the School District of Cheltenham Township, contiguous with Philadelphia, PA, he oversees transportation, food service, budgeting, financial reporting, and taxes.


Chapter 1: Community-based budgetingChapter 2: Historical School BudgetsChapter 3: Balancing Needs, Wants and DesiresChapter 4: Budgets as a Financial DocumentChapter 5: Budgets as an Operational DocumentChapter 6: Budgets as a Policy DocumentChapter 7: Public Perception and ExpectationsChapter 8: Identify Your CommunityChapter 9: Various Forms of Community Based BudgetingChapter 10: Integration of Community based budgetingChapter 11: What works and what does not work?Chapter 12: ResiliencyChapter 13: Celebrate SuccessChapter 14: Take-A-Way

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